Another Joins the Field

Just as Nikki Haley (Nimarata Randhawa) announced her 2024 campaign last week, another candidate has entered the field for President of India … wait … I mean the United States.

This one’s name is Vivek Ramaswamy. He announced on the Tucker Carlson show last night. Like Randhawa he thinks he knows better than us about how to fix the US while his ancestral home of India remains a shithole.

We admit we don’t know much about Ramaswamy. He claims to be conservative and opposes to political correctness, but he supports increased immigration and he has deep connections to George Soros as our friend Jack Posobiec uncovered:

Random people run for president all the time and receive no media coverage. The amount of attention given to this unknown seems highly disproportionate. Is there something else going on here?

Andy Jacobs Interviews Libertarian Gail Lightfoot

Today on his Libertarian Revolution YouTube channel, noted petitioner and Libertarian activist Andy Jacobs published an interview with longtime Libertarian Party of California official Gail Lightfoot. Lightfoot, a retired nurse, ran for U.S. Senate and Congress in California multiple times, representing the Libertarian Party. The interview took place at the Libertarian Party of California State Convention in Sacramento held from February 16 to February 19. Topics discussed include Lightfoot’s meetup with writer Ayn Rand, whom she refers to as a “warmonger.”

See the interview below as published. It cuts off abruptly a little after the nine minute mark:

Green Party Presidential Frontrunner Writes Open Letter to General Milley

General Milley as seen in a meme from Florida Man

Robert Milnes, currently the frontrunner for the Green Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, posted the following Open Letter on his website The PLAS Place to General Mark A. Milley:

I am a US Citizen, I hereby request political asylum/protective custody in the US within a secure facility, preferably in or near Washington, DC or alternatively Cheyenne Mountain, CO.

My rationale: I have certain extraordinary capabilities, knowledge and experiences that should be researched and documented. I agree to cooperate with this. I am very vulnerable to injury or political violence which could damage this. Obviously I could not do this if deceased.

Attacks could come from certain pro Zionist/Israel reactionaries, rightist or leftist extremists and/or the Israeli Mossad.

I request further communication.


Stay tuned to IPR-X for Milley’s response and/or further developments.

Nikki Haley Announces for President

Nikki Haley defecates on the street in India as is customary there

Indian Nikki Haley, who wrongfully removed the Confederate flag while occupying the office of governor of South Carolina, announced today she is running for president … not of India but of the United States for some reason.

Haley, whose real name is Nimrata Randhawa, tries to pass as white and even listed that as her ethnicity on her voter registration card. She also tries to speak with a southern accent but both her parents are Indians from India. She claims to be Christian but instead it seems she worships George Floyd.

Nimrata claimed she wouldn’t challenge President Donald Trump for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination but evidently she changed her mind. She was Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump and leaked a false story claiming she was having an extramarital affair with him. Despite claiming to be a supporter of Trump during his presidency, Nimrata showed her true colors during the 2016 campaign when she compared Trump to mass shooter Dylann Roof.

Nimrata is nothing more than a Never Trumper pajeet pretending to be white. Her vanity 2024 campaign is doomed to fail. Maybe she should fix her own shithole country before messing with ours.

In other news, Elon Musk restored my Twitter account @MosesAustwin. It had been wrongfully suspended simply for posting the Confederate flag, the same flag Nimrata despises. Let it fly.