IPR in decline

From GI


A couple days ago an interesting discussion happened in comments for the IPR article LP.org blog: Libertarian for WA state rep Michelle Diarnell dominates opponent in two candidate forums :

Trent Hill October 17, 2016 at 11:03

I hardly ever comment here, honestly. I was a co-founder of the site and then the senior editor and co-owner, before selling the site later. I really only comment when I see someone posting an article that is unfair or not up to the standard that readers have indicated they want at IPR.By all means, if you don’t like my coments, you skip right over them and ignore them. No skin off my back. Any of the contributors here are welcome to do the same. I’m not an editor or an owner here anymore, just someone who wants to see the site expand.

Matt October 17, 2016 at 11:16

The site seems to expand when more articles get posted. Yet few people want to post them, myself included. And the few people that do want to post articles don’t seem to have a lot of time for it.

Trent Hill October 17, 2016 at 11:24

The site did best when it was indexed in Google News. But yes, that did coincide with a time when more articles were posted, mostly by myself and Paulie. Running IPR is not easy–the main thing is finding a reliable editor and responsible/enthusiastic writers….who aren’t going to be paid. Certain publishers have implemented profit sharing mechanisms, which I think probably helped.

Jill Pyeatt October 17, 2016 at 12:15

I am busier than usual in my private life, but I admit that I’m burned out. We all worked so hard up until the LP convention, and since then there hasn’t been tons of good news to post. It seemed like the only thing being talked about was how bad Johnson is. I tried to ignore all of that and support him, but even I have given up on him. I can’t handle Weld and his CFR ties and his comment that “he;s running as himself”. What it boils down to is that, even if Gary was doing a good job, he chooses the people around him badly. I don’t need to point out Ron Nielson’s shortcomings or Weld’s, but he’s also got a brute of a handler, Tom Mahan, who viciously attacks people who question anything going on. Even I’m out. I’ll be voting for Jill Stein due to her foreign policy stance, plus she is also sympathetic to a couple of other issues that are important to me.I’ll help any new writer that wants to get involved, and I keep a good eye on the inner workings here, such as the Open Thread and releasing pended comments. I still love this site and the people here. I’m just sooooo discouraged. Hopefully it’s only temporary.

According to Alexa, IPR has declined to a rank of 403,070, dropping 23,096 spots in the past three months.

The news comes as IPR fails to sign new writers, bans users for expressing certain opinions, employs moderators who edit user comments in a profane manner, and receives stiff competition from competing sites.

As IPR falls into the ash heap of history, new sites have risen such as The Grand Inquirer, IPR-X, and knappster blog.

Areola Interviews Thomas L. Knapp

Interview took place today on knappster blogspot article Thanks For Asking! — 10/17/16

Harry Areola: Are you running the knappster wordpress blog?  https://knappsterblog.wordpres…

Thomas L. Knapp: Thanks for asking!

No, that blog is a troll project by the group that’s also been trolling my Thanks For Asking! threads — a group of which I’m going to tentatively assume you are a member.

Harry Areola: No. No. I am not a member. My brother Marlon is though.

In other news, who would you nominate for the Supreme Court?

Thomas L. Knapp: SCOTUS? If I got to nominate the entire court, I would probably pick nine figures from Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum — Colbert and nine random picks, preferably all female pop stars.

Harry Areola: Who did you vote for/support in every general/primary election since you were born?

Harry Areola: For president that is.

Thomas L. Knapp: I had mild opinions prior to being able to vote (when I was ten I didn’t like Ford because he was bald and so I preferred Carter).

The presidential elections I have voted in:

  • 1988: No primary vote, Dukakis in the general election.
  • 1992: No primary vote, carried petitions as a volunteer for Perot, voted for Perot in November.
  • 1996: Supported Tompkins for the Libertarian nomination, voted for Browne in the general election.
  • 2000: Supported Gorman for the Libertarian nomination, voted for Browne in the general election.
  • 2004: Supported Russo for the Libertarian nomination, voted for Badnarik in the general election.
  • 2008: Supported Steve Kubby (and after he was eliminated Mary Ruwart) for the Libertarian nomination, voted for McKinney in the general election.
  • 2012: Supported no candidates, cast no votes.
  • 2016: Supported Darryl W. Perry for the Libertarian nomination, undecided as to who I’ll vote for next month if I vote in the presidential election (likely choices include a write-in for Perry, abstaining, or possibly Johnson or Stein).

Harry Areola: Okay. My last question for now. Do you think the William Stinglen death scene was fake?

See rwm4prez2012.wordpress.com/201…

Thomas L. Knapp: Thanks for asking!

  1. I’ve never heard of William Stinglen;
  2. I don’t read Robert Milnes’s web site;
  3. People who make a habit of linking to Robert Milnes’s web site or otherwise referring to him, to Nathan Norman, et al., won’t remain welcome here.

I Say William Stinglen Death Scene FAKE.

rwm4prez2016/The PLAS Place

Yes, I saw the death scene. He was sitting in his Lazy Boy with his headphones on in front of his big screen which was on. All looked in order.
Yet, something is wrong. ANOTHER coincidence? Another death in my circle of family, friends, supporters? A clear case of disproving my wild claims that there has been poisonings, kidnappings, fake deaths, fake funerals etc. Here was a case where everything was in order….
No. What if this was a covert operation specifically directed at ME. For me to be bamboozled into realizing how wrong I have been. To have to say so which I did in so many words in previous post.
Readers: Hey Bob, you saw with your own eyes your own Uncle lying there dead. You said so on your blog which you tell everyone you write about your thoughts, ideas and observations. Therefore you must be wrong…

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Just Leave a Message, Maybe I’ll Call

Hot Kareem

ME: Important questions must be asked especially to Mr. Sarwark. I found these at https://rwm4prez2012.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/libertarians-a-call-for-purge-boycott/

“1. Are you jewish?
2. Are you not jewish but support Israel?
3. Are you a dhs/fbi or Mossad agent or operative?”

ANDY: I believe that is the site of Robert Milnes, a person with whom I do not want to associate.

Interestingly enough, I recall hearing that somebody researched Milnes site and found out that it was put up by some Republican campaign operative. I suspect that it is some how connected with the trolling that has gone on here at IPR. Milnes may be some nutty person that was recruited and is being led by handlers to try to make Libertarians look bad.

JAY: “a person with whom I do not want to associate.”

Pity, it seems you would have a lot in common.

ANDY: Well I will tell you what Jay…

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William Charles Stinglen 1952-2016.

rwm4prez2016/The PLAS Place

Today I got a call from the Gloucester Township police informing me that my Uncle Bill was found in his apartment deceased.
I was stunned. He had just been released from a rehab. True he was a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser, but that is not why he was in the rehab. He had been in an accident on his electric bike and had broken his leg or ankle. He called me, said he got home ok. Was making plans to go to the Chinese place on Saturday as he used to with his girl…friend regularly. A fellow tenant in the rent subsidized housing for elderly and disabled, she had found him after he didn’t answer his phone two days in a row. So I drove to his place. Was promptly shown the body by the police. They informed me that his three children are actually his next of kin…

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Obese P.O.S. Disrespects America

James Weeks II, an obese man known for a disgusting stripping performance at the Libertarian National Convention, was recently photographed standing on top of an American flag, disrespecting the flag and all the veterans who fought for it.  He did this while wearing the jersey of controversial football player Colin Kaepernick, known for his refusal to stand for the Star Spangled Banner.

Weeks claims to be running for Sheriff of Livingston County, Michigan.

Darryl Perry’s “Dick Move”

From GI

Failed Libertarian Presidential candidate Darryl W. Perry has decided to run for President—again : this time as a Write-in candidate.  IPR’s resident genius Thomas L. Knapp said Perry’s candidacy might be considered “a dick move.”  Truer words could not be spoken about Darryl’s behavior since it is known that he has, on occasion, whipped out his genitalia for the entire world to see.

Darryl posted an image penis on Fetlife.com, a website for sexual deviants interested in sexual paraphillia such as pegging and asphyxiation. This was confirmed during a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) focused on Darryl last May.  The user “peaceerror” linked to a FetLife account and asked “Is it true that you put your penis on Fetlife?”  Darryl confirmed that the linked profile was his.

The information was censored at IPR among other places ahead of the National Convention, but it spread among those in-the-know, becoming a scandal known vernacularly as “Penisgate.” Darryl lost for the nomination at the National Convention after a debate where he clumsily (and some may say inappropriately) talked about Buck Angel, a pornographic actress who identifies as male.

Darryl was given the opportunity to comment on this story but he refused to comment.

To see Darry’s “pillar of principle,” all you need do is create a free fetlife account (preferably with a burner email). Once you have signed up, you can view Darryl’s profile here and see the dick pic here.

Enjoy, or rather…try to.

~Citizen Norman~

The Corruption of Thomas L. Knapp

From GI

Thomas L. Knapp is a politician–not a very good one–but corrupt nonetheless.  He has failed at every political campaign he has ever taken part in. The most recent being his week-long run for vice president a couple months ago, for the Reform Party. Before this he claimed to be against electoral politics but that didn’t stop him from running–like the hypocrite he is–and making endorsements of epic-fail proportion.

He backs failed celebrity candidates like the Cyber Party/Libertarian Party’s John McAfee (a man with a shit fetish according to a Showtime documentary), and the ideologically opposite Rosanne Barr of the Communist Peace Freedom Party. So that makes four different parties Knapp’s associated with in recent years. All of them in four different parts of the ideological spectrum.  Why do this? What is his deal? His fifth party association may shed some light.

Prior to a ridiculous 2012 Libertarian Party presidential campaign he wants everyone to forget, he ran for vice president with the stupidly-named Boston Tea Party, his personal hobby horse. The run was so awful that the party doesn’t even exist anymore. The point is that Knapp has an unhealthy “party fetish” that, like McAfee’s shit fetish, corrupts his mind and soul.

While accomplishing nothing, his ego becomes inflated as he builds up a resume of parties and campaigns (especially the coveted celebrity campaigns).  His ego is so big he feels like he is better than everyone else.  For example, he claims on his website Kn@ppster that anyone can ask any question and he will answer, as if he is some kind of expert. However, when I asked a question he deleted it and banned me, he did not even answer my question. When longtime political strategist Robert Milnes asked a question, he was banned as well. That confirms that Knapp is a corrupt liar. Not everyone can ask a question and not every question will be answered. Knapp won’t answer questions from those he considers undesirable, and who he believes he is above. He dislikes me because I am a realist and call him out on his delusions. He wants to destroy me personally and has called for a Kickstarter proposal to fund an investigation of me. He deletes comments my surrogates make at IPR, claims I am making the comments (when I am not), and sometimes even edits the comments to make it look like I am calling myself a “worthless faggot.” No Knapp. I am not worthless. In fact,  my opinions matter and actually make sense unlike your mental masturbation exercises and delusions of grandeur.  And no sir, I am not a faggot. I am heterosexual.

When one engages in fetishes, it corrupts the soul.  Don Grundmann explained this to me in the interview I did with him on this site when it was ATPR.  Fetishes entail a breakdown of one’s moral fiber. For example,  McAfee’s shit fetish is a rejection of decency.  It may explain why he can, if Showtime is to be believed, kill with such disregard.  In the same way, Knapp’s party fetish and delusional lust for power and influence that inflates his ego shows the kind of soul pathology that causes him to endorse homosexual marriage and promote illogical homosexual intercourse. If Grundmann is correct, the corruption of Knapp’s soul may lead him to accept and even openly endorse further perversion such as bestiality and pedophilia.

It is not known whether the corruption of Thomas L. Knapp can be overcome. A good first step would be to pick one party and stick with it, stop running for office, allow Nathan Norman and Robert Milnes to ask questions on your site, stop editing comments on IPR and stop glorifying homosexuality.  If he can do even one of these, there may be hope at last.