Willie Nelson Releases Right Wing Song

Border security is now a right wing position. And few in the entertainment industry have been willing to put out works that promote it. That all changed the other day from the unlikeliest of sources. 90 year old Willie Nelson released the song “The Border” which tells of the plight of a border agent who does his job to keep invaders out of the country. The agent speaks of having to wear a bullet-proof vest, recounts a run-in with the Mexican military, and laments his fellow border agents who were imprisoned just for doing their job.

Check it out:

Willie is known to be a Democrat and recently released a single promoting the Senate campaign of former Congressman Beto O’Rourke. However, this new song suggests he may be changing his ways. His fans are overwhelmingly on the conservative side, so perhaps he is catering to them. He released a right wing song at least once previously. In 2003, he performed a duet with the late Toby Keith called “Beer for My Horses”, which endorsed lynching criminals Old West style.


RIP Toby Keith.

Willie Nelson officially releases “The Border” as a track on his upcoming album of the same name on May 31. It comes at a time when the border is out of control due to the Biden administration’s unwillingness to stop illegal immigration. Biden reversed all the Trump policies that secured the border in order to bring in new Democrat voters without any regard for the crime and disease the illegals bring with them. The only way the border will ever be secure again is if we vote Biden out in November and return to the sane border policies of Donald Trump.

Author: Moses Texas

They were all in love with dying. They were doing it in Texas.

One thought on “Willie Nelson Releases Right Wing Song”

  1. RIP Toby. And you’re 100% correct about the border. A lot of that has to do with the census also, among many other things. I think the crime and disease is actually part of the plan, providing excuses for future totalitarianism.

    Willie Nelson is a legend. Too noisy here to listen at the moment but I will when I get a chance.

    Trump is gonna win 100% for sure. Biden is the most unpopular president seeking a second term since Herbert Hoover and the most obviously incapacitated since Wilson at the end of his second term.

    Of course the rats will cheat again, but it’s not going to be close, so they would start a revolution if they pretend Biden “wins” a second time. More likely, they will cheat to make it look like it was close while still giving Trump the win, whereas an honest count of eligible voters would show a landslide.


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