You Wanna Rumble?

Over at IPR, master debater Andy Jacobs issues a challenge to yours truly:

If Nathan Norman has the balls to show up and debate me somewhere, and have it put on video and posted online, tell him to go for it.

I happen to have very large testicles, so I emailed an image of my scrotum to Andy so he can see what he’s dealing with.  I accept his debate challenge.

We shall debate pressing political topics such as space exploration, energy pacts and political realignment.  I don’t entirely know Andy’s position on these matters but I believe I can bring him over to my points of view since we already agree on such major issues as illegal immigration, Moslems, and the preservation of the White race.

Let’s go Andy.  Let’s work this out. When will you be near Scranton?  Where would you like to hold the event?  And what political issues would you like to add to the program?

I eagerly await your response and look forward to our debate.

Light a Torch

404bca8200000578-0-image-a-46_1494741594291I am sick and tired of left wing idiots trying to erase White people from history.  It was White men who established Western Civilization.  If you want to go back to the caves and huts then continue to follow left wing idiots.

Most of the left wing idiots don’t even realize the ultimate plan of those from whom they receive their orders (George Soros) is to reduce the political power of White people to weaken society so that Marxists can easily take over. This is also why they promote homosexuality and “transgenderism”, which creates effeminate men who can easily be conquered (voluntarily or not). The election of Obama was a major step toward the accomplishment of their takeover.  But now there’s been a change in tide.  The election of Donald Trump was a major blow to the Marxist agenda and so now they are doubling down. BLM is an example of this at work.

Another recent trick of left wing “useful” idiots is to remove monuments celebrating historic White figures and accomplishments. In Virginia and Louisiana they are trying to remove statues of great figures like Robert E. Lee, an admirable American and Confederate general.  Luckily we have a man on the ground organizing torch rallies to stand up for White people and our civilization.

Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer of is doing great work on this issue through torch rallies. Let’s participate in his rallies and make it clear to the Marxists that this country is still ours and always will be.

Light a torch, lift it high!

Meet the Latest IPR Censor

IPR recently signed a left wing statist to moderate its comments.   He goes by the screen name “dL.”  No meaning has been assigned to these initials. He also runs the defunct wordpress site

At IPR, dL usually posts left wing, anti-White racist nonsense.  He then censors comments that disagree with his backwards outlook.   For example, today he posted a comment promoting illegal immigration.  Someone using the name Andy (not certain if it is Andy Jacobs) then posted a rebuttal endorsing the removal of illegal aliens and limiting non-White immigration. A few minutes later the rebuttal was mysteriously deleted.  This has been a continuing pattern often repeated. dL will make a comment supporting the anti-White globalist agenda and then deletes comments that call him out for this. Such censorship is funny for someone who claims to be libertarian. But libertarianism has been taken over by left wing statists like dL.

dL supports the left wing terrorist group Antifa which advances the globalist agenda of the Deep State, the same Deep State that has attacked IPR-X in recent weeks.  It is not known whether dL is a member of Antifa, the Deep State or both, but he certainly does their bidding as the latest IPR censor.

Be careful when you make comments at IPR lest they get deleted by censors like dL. Instead, you can post your comments here at IPR-X.  We allow nearly all comments and only ask that you write in English.






Death of a Hobo

R. Lee Wrights

Hobo Libertarian R. Lee Wrights died last week at the young age of 58.  Unfortunately, it is quite common for hobos to die young.  Still, his memory lives on, his lifestyle immortalized in Boxcar Willie’s The Ballad of R. Lee Wrights, with the prophetic line:

I lost all my money in a crooked poker game

The lyric is a metaphor for Wright’s failed campaign bids including runs for President and Governor of Texas that garnered no traction and lost donor money.

At this time, let’s focus on the fond memories.  This one’s for you Lee: