Site Rename?

This site has been in operation since 2016. It’s been known as IPR-X because it is made up mostly of people who were banned from the politics site IPR for various, largely political, reasons. Some people in the comments here have proposed a name change. Any suggestions on what that name change should be? Please comment below.

RFK Jr to Run as Independent

For a few weeks I was disappointed in Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He tweeted that he favored a fracking ban, which, for me, is an absolute disqualifer. But then the news came out today that he wants to run as an Independent and suddenly it makes perfect sense. RFK Jr wants to appeal to and take progressive votes away from Biden to cost him the election. But he still wants people like me to vote for President Trump. This is the ultimate strike against the deep state; the same deep state persecuting President Trump with lawfare; and the same deep state that murdered RFK Jr’s uncle and father.

Continue reading “RFK Jr to Run as Independent”

Tucker’s Trump Interview Breaks All the Records

Tucker Carlson’s interview of President Donald Trump on X has surpassed 200 million views, making it, by far, the most viewed interview in X history. It also surpassed Episode 1 for the most watched episode of Tucker on X. It received way more views than the boring Fox News debate held at the same time in which all the other “candidates” embarrassed themselves with, perhaps, the exception of Vivek Ramaswamy.

Watch Tucker’s interview below:

Must-See: Tucker Interview of RFK Jr

On Monday Tucker Carlson interviewed Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr in an explosive interview that provided further insight into foreign policy, corporations, immigration enforcement, and the Kennedy assassinations. Unfortunately the fake indictment of President Trump and 18 others in Atlanta happened just after the interview was posted on X, drowning out coverage of it.

Please check it out below if you have not seen it. If you have, please watch it again to refresh your mind after this past week’s mindless media events. It is 81 minutes long:

Remember also that Tucker will interview President Trump next week on X during the irrelevant Fox News debate.

Copy of Richard Nixon’s 1994 Letter to Bill Clinton

Dr. Luke A. Nichter, a professor of History at Chapman University obtained a previously classified March 1994 letter from former president Richard Nixon to then-president Bill Clinton.

Written a month before Nixon’s death at the age of 81, the letter shows Nixon’s robust involvement in international relations with a discussion about Russian and Ukrainian politics after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Nichter provided IPR-X with an electronic copy of letter, posted below:

Continue reading “Copy of Richard Nixon’s 1994 Letter to Bill Clinton”